Garden Tips for December

If you have outdoor pots move them into a sheltered position, next to a house or shed wall for example. Also raise them up off the ground,  you can use stones, bits of old broken paving stones anything to allow it to drain properly and not get too wet. If the soil becomes waterlogged the roots can rot and your plants will die. Also, check your pots after freezing weather to make sure they have not dried out.
Grow herbs or cress on your kitchen windowsill for easy pickings. To grow cress put 4 layers of paper towel on a saucer or reuse a plastic tray from the supermarket. Wet the paper towel, it should be damp but not wringing wet. Sprinkle with cress seed and cover with a sheet of paper towel on a warm windowsill and check daily to ensure the paper towel is kept moist. Once the cress has germinated, about 5 days, you can remove the paper towel covering the cress and it will be ready to pick in about another 10 days.